Race: Men
Date ofBirth: March 1, 2931
Date ofDeath: March 1, 120, Fourt Age
Residences:Rivendell;various; later Minas Tirith
Parents: Arathon II andGilraen
Spouse: Arwen Undomiel
Children: 1 son - Eldarion - and daughters
Hair &Eye Color: Dark hair & grey eyes
Height:6 feet, 6 inches
Sword: Andruil
Galadriel'sgifts: Sheath and Elfstone
Emblem: White Tree with Seven Stars & a Crown on a blackfield

In the movie played by: Viggo Mortensen

Aragorn was known as Strider, a Rangerwho lived in the Wild protecting the peoples of Middle-earth. But he wasdescended from the ancient line of kings, and when he joined the questof the Ring-bearer, the time came for him to fulfill his destiny. As Frodo Baggins struggled to reach Mount Doom, Aragorn fought the servants of the Enemy and revealed himselfto Sauron as Isildur'sHeir. After Sauron's downfall the Kingdoms of Gondorand Arnor were reunited under Aragorn's reignand peace and prosperity returned to Middle-earth.

Aragorn was born on March 1, 2931,andjust two years later he became the sixteenth Chieftain of the Dunedain when his father Arathon II was killed by Orcs. Aragorn's mother Gilraen took him to live in Rivendell, home of Elrond.Elrond accepted the child as a foster-son and gave him the name Estel,meaning "Hope." Aragorn was not told his true name and heritage until 2951,when he was twenty years old and Elrond perceived that he had grown tomanhood. Elrond then gave Aragorn two of the heirlooms of the House ofIsildur: the Ring of Barahir and the shards of Narsil.
The next day, Aragorn first met Arwenwho had returned to Rivendell from Lothloriento visit her father Elrond. When Aragorn saw Arwen he called her Tinuviel,for her beauty was reminiscent of Luthien Tinuviel, an Elf who gave upher immortality for the love of Beren, a Mortal Man. Aragorn fell in lovewith Arwen, but Elrond said that if she chose to be with Aragorn she wouldrelinquish her immortality as Luthien had and that his daughter's age andexperience as well as her lineage placed her too far above Aragorn. Hetold Aragorn that many years of trial lay before him.
Aragorn left Rivendell and journeyedthroughout Middle-earth gaining knowledge and experience and facing manyperils. He travelled far east to Rhun and southto Harad and went once into Moriathrough the Dmrill Gareand even explored the outskirts of  inhis efforts to learn about Sauron's plans. In 2956 he met Mordor Gandalf the Gray and they became friends and allies and sometimes travelledtogether.

On May 1, 3018, Aragorn met Gandalfat Sarn Ford on the Brandywine south of the Shire. He learned from the wizardthat Frodo would be leaving the Shire with the Ring at the end of September.Believing that Frodo would be safe with Gandalf, Aragorn went on a journeyand did not return for several months. Then Aragorn learned from Gildorthat Gandalf was missing and the Nazgul wereabroad and that Frodo was on the Road accompanied only by his Hobbit companions.

Aragorn searched for Frodo and onthe evening of September 30, he overheard the Hobbits parting from Tom Bombadil at the Great East Road near Bree. Aragorn went on to the Prancing Pony but was prevented from seeing Frodo by the innkeeper. Aragorn approached Frodo first in the Common Room and then,after Frodo's accidental use of the Ring, he followed the Hobbits to theirparlour.

Aragorn warned Frodo that the Nazgulhad tracked him to Bree and offered his guidance and protection. Then Barlimandelivered Gandalf's forgotten letter which included a verse about Aragornthat Frodo later learned was written by Bilbo:

All that is gold does notglitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does notwither,
Deep roots are not reached by thefrost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that wasbroken,
The crownless again shall be king.
The Fellowshipof the Ring: "Strider," p. 182

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