Race: Elves
Date ofBirth: 241 of theThird Age
Date ofDeath: 121 of the Fourth Age
Residences: Rivendell & Lothlorien; later Minas Tirith
Parents: Elrond & Celebrain
Siblings:Elladan & Elrohirl
Spouse: Aragorn, King Elessar
Children:1 son -Eldarion - and daughters
Hair &Eye Color: Dark hair & grey eyes
In the movie played by: Liv Tyler

Arwen Evenstar was the daughter ofthe Elf-lord Elrond. She was beautiful with darkhair and grey eyes and she was called Undomiel, the Evenstar of her people.Arwen's beauty was compared to that of Luthien, and like Luthien, Arwenchose to forsake her immortality for the love of a mortal Man. After the War of the Ring, Arwen wed Aragorn, King Elessar,and became Queen of the Reunited Kingdom.
Arwen watched Aragorn from afar inthought and she made for him a banner bearing the emblem of the White Tree of Gondor and the Seven Stars and Crown of Elendil.She sent the banner when her brothers Elladan and Elrohir accompanied Halbaradand the Rangers south to meet Aragorn. Aragorn unfurled the banner whenhe came to the Pellenor Fields in theCorsairs' ships on March 15, 3019.
After the downfall of Sauron,Arwen traveled south to Gondor with her father. She arrived in Minas Tirith on Midsummer's Eve of 3019. Arwen and Aragorn were married onMid-year's Day and Arwen became Queen of the Reunited Kingdom.Arwen recognized that Frodo was stillsuffering from his burden. She gave him a white jewel to bring him comfortwhen he was troubled and told him that if he could no longer bear the memoriesand pain he could sail in her place into the West where his wounds mightbe healed. It is not known exactly how Arwen was able to give Frodo thisgift. She may have asked Gandalf, as an emissaryof the Valar, to allow Frodo to go in her stead.
Arwen and Aragorn lived happily togetherfor 120 years. They had a son,Eldarion,as well as daughters. In the year 15 of the Fourth age, the King and Queen travelled to the North-kingdom. Arwen boundthe Elendilmir on Aragorn's browwhen he assumed full kingship of Arnor. They dwelled for a time by Lake Evendim and they went to the Brandzwine Bridge to meet with Sam Gamgee, Merry Brandybuck, and Pippin Took. Arwen made Sam'sdaughter Elanor her maid of honor.
Aragorn died in the year 120 of theFourth Age. Arwen was deeply grieved and at last she understood the bitternessof mortality. Arwen said farewell to her children and went to Lothlorienwhere she died the next winter. Her grave was on Cerin Amroth where sheand Aragorn had become betrothed.