Frodo Baggins, a Hobbit of the Shire, became one of the most legendary figures in the history of Middle-earthwhen he undertook the quest to destroy Sauron'sRing of Power in order to bring about the Dark Lord's downfall. Frodo borethe One Ring deep into Mordordespite great hardship and personal sacrifice, proving himself to be ahero of equal stature to the greatest warrior.
Frodo was born on September 22, 2968,to Drogo Baggins and Primula Brandybuck Baggins. He spent much of his youth at Brandy hall in Buckland, the home of hismother's people. He was considered something of a rascal, particularlyby Farmer Maggot from whomFrodo stole mushrooms. In 2980, whenFrodo was still a child, his parents took a boat out onto the Brandywine River and were drowned. Frodo had no siblings, so he was left alonein the crowded tunnels of Brandy Hall until his cousin Bilbo Baggins adopted him and made Frodo his heir.
Bilbo and Frodo had a comfortablelife at Bag End, a spacious Hobbithole under The hill in Hobbitonin the Westfarthing. Bilbo had once gone on an adventure and had returnedwith wealth and knowledge of the world outside the Shire. Frodo learnedmuch from him about the peoples, legends, and languages of Middle-earth. Gandalf the Gray was a frequent visitor at Bag End, as were a number of Dwarves,and it was believed that Frodo would sometimes meet Elves in the woodsof the Shire. For these reasons, Frodo was considered quite unusual fora Hobbit.
Bilbo and Frodo shared a birthday- September 22 - and they enjoyed throwing grand parties to celebrate.In 3001, when Bilbo turned 111 and Frodo came of age at 33, they gave a party of special magnificence. At this party, Bilbo announced his intentionto leave the Shire and vanished (with the help of his magic ring) muchto the consternation of his guests. Frodo inherited Bag End and most ofBilbo's possessions, including the magic ring.
As the years passed, Frodo seemedto stop aging and appeared at age 50 like a robust Hobbit just out of histweens. Frodo was red-cheeked and rather stout, but taller and fairer thanmost Hobbits, with brown hair, bright eyes, and a cleft in his chin.
Frodo soon began to grow restlesswith his quiet life in Shire. On April 12, 3018, Gandalf arrived and toldFrodo that the magic ring Bilbo had found in Gollum'scave was in fact the One Ring of the Dark Lord Sauron, who needed the Ring'spower to take over Middle-earth. Frodo was shocked and dismayed by thisnews, but he realized that in order to save the Shire he loved, he neededto take the Ring far away.
Frodo intended to travel to Rivendell accompanied by his gardener Sam Gamgee. He soldBag End to Lobelia Sackville Baggins on the pretense that his money was running out and he was moving to a smallerresidence at Crickhollow in Buckland.Frodo set out on his journey on September 23, the day after his fiftiethbirthday.
On October 25, Frodo was summonedto a Council called by Elrond to determine what should be done with theRing. Frodo hoped his task was complete, but he realized that this wasnot to be, and he volunteered to take the Ring to Mordor to destroy it.
Eight companions were chosen to accompanyFrodo: Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas the Elf, Gimli the Dwarf, and Boromirof Gondor. Bilbo gave Frodo his sword Stingand his coat of mithril mailandon December 25, the Fellowship of the Ring left Rivendell and headed south.
Frodo continued up the mountain to Sammath Naur, wherein lay the Cracks of Doom. There, at the end of his quest,after resisting the will of the Ring for so long through terrible hardships,Frodo was unable to resist any longer. He claimed the Ring as his own andrefused to destroy it. Then Gollum, whose life Frodo had spared out ofpity, attacked Frodo and bit off the finger that bore the Ring. Gollumfell into the fiery chasm and the Ring was destroyed.
Frodo and Sam were rescued from thedestruction of Mordor by Gandalf and the Eagals and their wounds were tended to by Aragorn. They were honoredas heroes by the Host of the West. At Aragorn's coronation, Frodo carriedthe Crown of Gondor. Qeen Arwen gave Frodo a white jewel to bring him comfort when his woundsand memories troubled him, and she told him that if he could bear it nolonger he could take her place on the ship bearing the Elves away fromMiddle-earth.
On September 29, 3021, Frodo came tothe Grey Havens accompanied by Sam.Merry and Pippin were there to meet them. Frodo said goodbye to his threefriends and boarded a ship with Bilbo and the bearers of the Three Elven-rings:Gandalf, Galadriel and Elrond. The ship set sail to the Undying Lands.
The Undying Lands were across theSea to the west of Middle-earth. The spirits called the Valar dwelled thereas did many Elves. Mortals were not normally allowed to go to the UndyingLands, but because of the great burden they had borne, Frodo and Bilbowere given special permission. Galadriel had made a special prayer to theValar that Frodo be allowed to pass into the West, and Arwen also askedGandalf, as an emissary of the Valar, to intercede on Frodo's behalf.
Although Frodo's ultimate fate isnot recorded, it is believed that he lived out the rest of his days onTol Eressea - an island off the coast of the main continent of Aman inthe Undying Lands. There Frodo may have finally found the peace and healinghe sought. Frodo was mortal and he remained so. He eventually died, thoughthe year of his death is not recorded.